• RM139.90

BrandsCHEONG HOONG 张洪 - 姜饮姜食姜保健
Barcode: 9555140502927
Availability:In stock


随着社会发展和生活水平提高, 人们的保健意识越强,使用天然药食 “高山文冬姜” 来进补。食姜已经有3000多年历史,孔子就主张 “每食不撤姜”。现在家家户户都当高山文冬姜,作为一种保健品,功效非常广泛。




张洪高山文冬姜粉 + 人参粉最佳配搭食材。



  • 大补元气,
  • 复脉固脱,
  • 补脾益肺,
  • 生津养血,
  • 安神益智,
  • 温中祛寒,
  • 温肺化饮,
  • 回阳通脉,
  • 脘腹冷痛,
  • 吐泻冷痢,
  • 寒饮咳喘,
  • 阳虚肢凉。




1. 炖服:将张洪高山文冬姜人参粉,放入瓷碗内,加满水,密封碗口,放置于锅内蒸炖4~5小时即可服用,效果更佳。

2. 嚼食:将张洪高山文冬姜人参粉含于口中细嚼,生津提神,温甘可口,是最简单的服用方法。

3. 冲泡:将张洪高山文冬姜人参粉,放在碗内或杯中,用温水冲泡,搅拌后即可饮用。

4. 炖煮食品:张洪高山文冬姜人参粉可以加入 瘦肉、鸡、鱼等一起烹炖汤,可消除极度疲劳,滋补强身。


Cheong Hoong Bentong Highland Ginger Ginseng Powder

As society continue to develop and our standard of living increases, the public has likewise become very health conscious and turn towards natural herbs such as“Bentong Highland Ginger” for supplement and nourishment. Not only has there already been a documented history of ginger consumption for more than 3000 years, Confucius had also advocated that “ginger must not be omitted in every meal”. Now, every household has regarded Bentong Highland Ginger as a health product, with wide variety of effective benefits.

Ginseng, a miracle plant, is nature’s gift bestowed to mankind. It can take from hundreds to thousands of years to grow, and collect the essence derived from nature’s elements, It has earned the reputation for being the “King of herbs”, as it is known for its ability to “nourish and replenish health, and remedy the whole body” in the Chinese medicinal field.

As the saying goes: “Consuming ginseng can replenish our health and give a calming effect.”


Cheong Hoong Bentong Highland Ginger Powder + Ginseng are the best combination!


Cheong Hoong Bentong Highland Ginseng Powder has the following magical benefits

  • Replenishes the health and provide Vitality
  • Strengthens and regulates the pulse 
  • Replenishes the spleen and lungs
  • Promotes blood circulation, saliva and body fluids
  • Soothes the nerves
  • Dispels cold or flu
  • Warms the lungs
  • Unclogs the pulse
  • Relieves abdominal pain
  • Relieves vomit and cold symptoms
  • Relieves cold and asthma symptoms
  • Provides vitality to cold limbs.



The 4 methods of consumption are

1. By StewingPlace some Cheong Hoong Bentong Highland Ginger Powder into a porcelain bowl, fill it with water and seal the bowl, then lower the bowl into a pot and stew it for 4 – 5 hours before consuming it, for best results.

2. By ChewingThis is the easiest way to consume it. By taking some Cheong Hoong Bentong Highland Ginger Ginseng Powder and chewing it slowly in the mouth, it promotes saliva secretion and provides a refreshing, sweet and delicious taste. Indeed, this is the easiest way to consume it.

3. By BrewingPlace some Cheong Hoong Bentong Highland Ginger Ginseng Powder into a bowl or cup, and brew it with warm water, then stir well and drink.

4. By Boiling with Dishes Cheong Hoong Bentong Highland Ginger Ginseng Powder can be added to pork, chicken, fish dishes to be boiled as soup, which can eliminate extreme fatigue and provide nourishment to the body.