• RM174.90

BrandsCHEONG HOONG 张洪 - 姜饮姜食姜保健
Barcode: 9555140500398
Availability:In stock

高山文冬干姜片是祛湿排寒的 {食补奇药}

自古以来,姜就被世界各地的人们视为 {食补奇药},被当成健康保健食品。因为天然食材是几乎没有副作用,而且具有广泛的疗效。

但是现代人几乎没有什么体力,只要测试体温就可以知道了。人体正常标准体温平均在 36.5~37.2℃ 之间。标准的体温可以预防许多伤寒杂病



为身体加温, 为健康加分

食谱 (一):张洪高山文冬干姜片有机苹果汤 (两人份)


  • 张洪高山文冬干姜片 10片
  • 有机苹果(或雪梨) 1粒
  • 矿泉水 500毫升

做法: 将全部食材放入炖盅,之后放进电子砂煲炖4-5小时。即食, 记得要趁热喝姜汤。 

分享: 苹果营养丰富,热量不高,甚受减肥者欢迎。此汤有预防癌症、抗氧化作用、强化骨骼、维持酸碱平衡,增强体力和抗病能力。


食谱 (二):张洪高山文冬干姜雪耳红枣糖水 (八-十人份)


  • 张洪高山文冬干姜片 30片
  • 《诚食》天然上等原灰枣 80g
  • 干雪耳 (大)1粒
  • 矿泉水 4000毫升
  • 《诚食》有机红糖 160g


  1. 锅中倒入矿泉水煮沸后,放入张洪高山文冬干姜片
  2. 煮滚10分钟后,将其实食材倒入沸滚,转小火熬煮三小时。
  3. 加入有机红糖,待有机红糖融化即可熄火,盛碗享用。




食谱 (三):张洪高山文冬干姜ABC汤 (八-十人份)

  • 高山文冬干姜片 30片
  • 胡萝卜 1根 
  • 土豆  1个
  • 洋葱  1个
  • 番茄  2个
  • 猪骨头  150克
  • 鸡脚  10只
  • 矿泉水 4000毫升
  • 适量海盐


  1. 胡萝卜、土豆、洋葱、番茄洗净切块状。猪骨头和鸡脚飞水备用。
  2. 将张洪高山文冬干姜片、胡萝卜、土豆、洋葱、番茄、鸡脚和猪骨,全部放入砂煲内。
  3. 放入4公升矿泉水,开大火把水滚开后用小火煲四小时-五小时。即可。








  1. 助于恢复体力
  2. 改善体内热能
  3. 散寒发汗
  4. 改善寒性体质
  5. 增强抵抗力
  6. 帮助修复体伤
  7. 减轻口臭
  8. 加速伤口愈合度
  9. 保持肠胃畅通
  10. 有助控制血糖和胆固醇




Dry Bentong Highland Ginger Slice helps to expel dampness and coldness {It’s a miracle medicine!}

Since ancient times, ginger has been regarded as {a miracle medicine} by people around the world, and has been used as a health food. This is due to the fact that natural ingredients have almost no side effects and have a wide range of healing effects.

However, modern people have almost no physical strength. We are able to know this by testing our body temperature. The normal body temperature for a human being is between 36.5 and 37.2 ℃. Standard body temperature can prevent many typhoid diseases. A low body temperature also directly affects and makes it difficult for the immune system to function. When the blood becomes more stagnated and does not flow well, it causes obesity and edema. The body then gets tired easily, and causes your mood to decline.


Warm up your body and strengthen your health

Recipe (1): Cheong Hoong Dry Bentong Highland Ginger Slice Organic Apple soup (Serves two pax)


  • 10 slices of Cheong Hoong Dry Bentong Highland Ginger Slice
  • 1 Organic apple (or pear)
  • 500 ml of mineral water

Method: Put all the ingredients into a stew pot, and stew for 4-5 hours in the electronic casserole. It’s now ready to be served. Do remember to drink it immediately when it’s warm.

Tips: Apple is rich in nutrients and low in calories. Thus, it is very popular among those who are trying to lose weight. This soup is effective in preventing cancer and promoting anti-oxidisation, strengthening the bones, maintaining acid-base balance, and enhancing the body strength and immune system.


Recipe (2): Cheong Hoong Dry Bentong Highland Ginger White Fungus Red Dates Soup (Serves 8-10 pax)


  • 30 slices of Cheong Hoong Dry Bentong Highland Ginger Slice
  • 80g of Cheng Shi” natural red dates 
  • 1 Dried white fungus (huge)
  • 4000 ml of mineral water
  • 160g of《Cheng Shi》organic molasses sugar


  1. Pour the mineral water into a pot and boil it. Then add the Cheong Hoong Dry Bentong Highland Ginger Slice.
  2. After boiling for 10 minutes, pour the other ingredients except for the organic molasses sugar, into the pot, and cook it on low heat for a further 3 hours.
  3. Add the organic molasses sugar and wait for the sugar to melt before serving it.

Tips: Cheong Hoong Dry Bentong Highland Ginger Slice White Fungus Red Dates Soup is a nourishing medicinal soup. It is nourishing and yet not greasy. It has the effects of nourishing the spleen and stimulating the appetite, detoxing the intestines, promoting good sleep, strengthening the stomach, and nourishing the brain. Therefore, it is suitable for men, women, children and elderlies. Drink regularly on a long term basis to nourish the skin and remove melasma and freckles on the face.